Wow, me…having a website?

I feel like I may look back at this fledgling website one day and think to myself that I had a lot to learn! I am excited to be so close to completing my ECCE certification but on the first day of this last curriculum course, I am reminded of the amount that I have to learn still, and the time it may take me to be comfortable with using technology in this way is a little daunting. While I would love to live in the woods and have limited connection to the outside world, it’s my love of children and family connections that keep me in my neighborhood and surrounded by people. I have an interesting “old school” love-hate relationship with the cyberworld so this class should really solidify for me where I stand on connectivity in this way.


  1. tonkinstoddlers
    August 4, 2020

    I LOVE how organized your site is. Great job. Now that I know how to find everyone I can now read and comment on your posts =)

    1. jens5
      August 4, 2020

      Thanks Christine, if this website needed to be anything it needed to be organized.

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